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American Standard

The power of good project management

We created 16 video cuts from a two-day shoot to educate existing American Standard customers on its new smart thermostat and corresponding app.

The Challenge

Produce over a dozen message-first videos while simultaneously managing production logistics, from hiring talent to designing sets.


American Standard is a leader in the HVAC industry, providing homeowners with top-of-the-line heating and cooling since 1929. They came to Upswing for help creating a series of short videos educating current customers on its smart thermostat and the American Standard Home app. With a limited timeline to gather footage, we got to work planning a two-day shoot that would yield over a dozen video cuts highlighting different facets of the app for both in-home interactions and social channels.

Our work

From gathering props, to coordinating crew schedules, to choosing wardrobe, there’s a lot that goes into creating a brand video — so putting the right team of creatives together is imperative. In addition to our normal discovery and script-writing process, our team also managed all the logistics that go into creating commercial video, scouting Airbnbs and hiring talent to bring the American Standard brand to life on screen. The videos feature bright, clean lighting and comfortable families using the app’s variety of features to control and maintain their smart thermostats. After just two days of shooting and a few weeks of post-production, we finished the project with a total of 16 videos for American Standard.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4

Work with an agency that can handle all of the logistics.

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