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General Probiotics

Simplifying a complicated message

We created an elevator pitch-style video for General Probiotics that simplified its highly scientific work for potential investors.

The Challenge

Create visually compelling, message-first video for a unique client that needs to communicate a highly scientific message to people outside their field.

The Solution

Feature scientists from General Probiotics who could simultaneously explain its mission and bring the passion and drive behind the company to life.

The Outcome

An anthemic, comprehensive video that simplifies complicated content and communicates General Probiotics’s ethos.


Dr. Yiannis Kaznessis is a Chemical Engineering researcher at the University of Minnesota who is on a mission to eliminate the more than 700,000 deaths caused annually by antibiotic resistance — an uphill battle, given the prevalent use of antibiotics in our food supply. His company, General Probiotics, needed help stating their case to investors in a simple, engaging way. We were with creating a 60-second commercial-style video that explained General Probiotics’s work to potential new investors.

Our work

In our discovery sessions with the General Probiotics team, it was obvious how passionate they were for the work but, just as critically, we noted that they could speak plainly about the health crisis they were up against, and the complex solution they provide.

It’s powerful to hear directly from experts who can tell an engaging story, so we crafted a video driven by our interviews with the researchers at General Probiotics and blended it with b-roll of them working in their scientific environments. The result is a tight, 60-second spot that distills a complicated issue in a compelling way.

Work with a team that can simplify complicated stuff without losing sight of your mission.

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